Rhadia started her fat loss journey with 30 kilograms to lose, though when you see her now you’d never believe that she was once overweight. Today the lean and attractive young women walks confidently with a spring in her step and a smile on her face.

Given her amazing transformation, it’s easy to see why she’s so confident and happy.

But back when Rhadia first came to EFFbootcamp, she was fed up and constantly stressing about her weight. She was sick and tired of feeling unattractive, embarrassed and discouraged. None of the diets or exercise plans that she tried ever worked.

Rhadia felt hopeless about ever regaining the attractive body that she once had.

As I got to know Rhadia, she told me about the way her body changed after stopping gymnastics and adult life started, how the weight continued to add up over the course of a few years, and how each kilogram rendered her more frustrated and hopeless.

We came up with a simple plan, the first step towards regaining a body that she felt excited about again.

The simple habit that started it all…

Aristotle taught us that, “You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” His words aptly apply to fitness.

For Rhadia, dropping 30 kilograms was not the result of an act, but of a habit.

Rhadia would come to a bootcamp session with a pocket filled with sweets. Her reason for eating sweets before, during and after each session was for “energy”.  The simple habit that she adopted was stop eating sweets.

That’s. It.

So her first act of the day was to control the mindful thought of wanting sweets.

By starting her day in such a positive, mindful-oriented way, Rhadia was then able to continue making healthy choices throughout the day, ending it by religiously coming to her 6:30pm bootcamp session.

Did she have any hiccups along the way? Certainly. There were days that would start out great, but then she’d get off track sometime after lunch. Discouraging as the occasional setback was, she kept on been mindful about eating sweets every morning that she woke up.

By starting her day out with such a positive mindful experience about where she wanted to be, Rhadia was able to make a habit out of mindfulness. As a result she lost 30 kilograms and regained her confidence and sunny disposition.

What about you? What habit could you adopt or stop that would keep you on track with your fitness goal?

It shouldn’t be complicated.

Maybe you will start focusing on the fact the sugar is destroying your results, like Rhadia. Maybe you will fast from sweets and processed junk for two days out of a seven day week.

Pick one bad habit you have, and eliminate it completely for two full days every week. Start there.

If you need help coming up with the right new habit to get you into amazing shape then reach out to my team. We  here to help you transform your body and your life!

Don’t wait – start a new habit today!