Have you ever wished that you were more motivated or disciplined to experience fitness and weight-loss?

Well today we are going to share with you the secret that will help you harness the power of your mind and propel you toward achieving your goal.

Motivation rests upon the bedrock of the pain and pleasure principle. This is the fundamental principle that moves you to either take action or to refrain from taking action. Just think of the last time you accomplished a perfect day of eating well, drinking good amounts of water and working out.

Your action led you to pursue your goals rather than to laze around and not GSD (get shit done). Take a moment to imagine how you’d feel after a great workout.This will encourage you to crave exercise rather than avoid it.

At EFF our ultimate goal is to help you stay focused and disciplined on your body transformation and fitness goals.

In a recent post member Mario shared his transformation with us and said,
“EFF in just two words.. BEST EVER… I am hooked for life.. The best is yet to come.. Thanks to all the coaches for always going the extra mile… Really much appreciated… EFF To me simply means explosive fitness familia.. Love the transformation.. It works peeps it really works” Well done Mario keep up the amazing results!

Help someone transform their life >>>>  If you know of anyone that has never been to our classes. Here’s is your chance to help them get a taste of our community. Invite them for 1 Week Free with u