Staying connected to your motivation will keep you on the path of success.
Goals themselves are highly motivating, but to get even greater results you need to keep that motivation up front in your mind and build the self-discipline to achieve it! For member Danielle although her weight-loss and fitness has been a life-long journey, she found herself struggling to break through that final 10% before achieving her ultimate weight-loss goal.
It wasn’t easy say’s Danielle “one of the turining points for me was when I was staying the same for quite a few weeks and I asked my coach for advice, I was hesitant but he said try it for just one week, I did it, and I dropped 2,5 kg’s after being stagnant for such a long time”. Danielle hit her 10 kg milestone with us last week and is amped about her body transformation achievement. Well done Dani! Click here to watch this video
To achieve a goal, you must be willing to do what you know you should do when you should do it, whether you like or not like member Danielle. You need to be willing and open to push through short-term pain to achieve long-term gain!
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