Welcome back to episode 5 of EFF’s Magical Monday live stream, we’re discussing, work ethics for winners and achievers.

Working towards your goals can sometimes be difficult and frustrating – so you need to persevere. If you’re doing something that isn’t working, think of something else you could try that still moves you forward, even if it is just a tiny bit. That is what we mean by HELP COMMIT and give VALUE.

The only way you will add value is by knowing exactly what your strengths are and how you can apply them in your role.  

If you’re struggling with something, ask someone you know for their ideas on what you could do better to improve. 

They may help you see a different way. Thinking about different ways of reaching a goal to keep your engine going makes it more likely that you’ll be successful. 

Remember tomorrow is about learning from yesterday. So don’t get stuck on a one-way train or one way of thinking. All decisions we make now big or small will determine our future.   

Keep going, don’t stop! Keep making moves. Never stop working. Never stop grinding & keep your eye on the prize. 

Be Inspired, Team