Welcome back to episode 9 of EFF’s Magical Monday live stream, in this video today we are talking about the power to succeed, and all the challenges and misbeliefs you may face along the way.
As with all things success is not just about reaching the top, it’s about taking one step at a time but getting there will require certain experiences. Lockdown has been ongoing for quite some time now, those of you that dealt with anxiety have probably gradually gotten used to it.
Living your life in this way and becoming somewhat accustomed to the effect that it has had on your former, daily routines.
With this said, instead of focusing on the negative, why not be the eternal optimist. Look for the very best in your situation and let that be the driving force propelling you forward. 
Your thinking really shapes your reality. Tell yourself  “my body and my mind is in a healthy state, my immunity is increasing and I am protected and safe at all times.”
Anything good would not exist unless you believe it and anything great you want to achieve would not be possible if you don’t go all in and just do it.
Release the fear of false misbeliefs and start feeling good about your goals, dreams, your health and mindset.
Focus on the solution. Take that issue, take that setback, take that problem, and turn it into something good.