“I really want to thank you and your team for showing great commitment to making a difference and changing peoples lives. I have honestly never experience this from any gym I have ever belonged to”

-Robynne-Leigh Davids

Get Focused

Get a clear plan on what you need to do to get into shape

Clean Up Your Diet

Don’t come off all carbs completely. Understand how to watch what you are eating so that results come quicker.

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Get Summer Body Ready in 21 Days

You have a proven training method that will change your body for life

See what our clients have to say

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What makes EFF Bootcamp so different

Many people struggle to transform their desire for fitness into action, we understand that motivation and support is key. So we provide a community that supports, motivates and a system that guarantees results; so that our clients live a more focused, balanced and energized life.

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My Results
11 January 2016 I weighed 112.5kg I was lazy, lethargic, tired, I ate anything, I had no control on my eating habits, I battled to get a good night sleep, moody, shortness of breath and uncomfortable.
By 21 June 2016 I dropped to 88kg. I am more energetic, not so moody, I sleep well, I am comfortable, I have good eating habits, I drink and I treat myself occasionally within limits I set for myself!”

-Ian Spinas

What’s my investment

How much happiness is being unfit costing you? How long will it take you to finally take massive action? How many of your summers will you wear hot jerseys just to cover up? How many gyms are you going to join that don’t motivate you long enough? Are you surrounded by people who will support and motivate you? Not having a proper coach to coach and guide you may be stopping you from getting results.

[ultimate_pricing design_style="design05" color_scheme="red" package_heading="Summer Body Challenge" package_sub_heading="per person" package_price="R399" package_btn_text="REGISTER NOW" package_link="url:http%3A%2F%2Fexplosivefunctionalfitness.com%2Fsummer-body-challenge%2F%23form|||" package_featured="enable"][/ultimate_pricing]

Have any questions? Call +27 (0)21 447 1806



Saturday 8th October


11:00am – Orientation Workshop

16:00pm – Orientation Workshop

You’ll get to know your fellow participants over a goal driven orientation workshop. These are the like-minded leaders you’ll spend the next 21 days with. You’ll be inspired and encouraged by the brilliant friends and members who registered for the 21 day program. Garth will introduce the Summer Body Challenge and set the stage for 21 days days ahead.

“I must say thank you for an excellent challenge, my fitness is up. In fact my doctor took my blood pressure and my heart rate and was shocked at how fit I am. My resting heart rate was 50bpm on a Saturday morning!
Thank you again for facilitating my body transformation, I don’t look anything like I did a year ago!”

-Lize Blommetjie



EFF bootcamp – Salt River

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EFF bootcamp – Salt River

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After you attend the Orientation Workshop, you’ll get a limited edition GSD – Take Massive Action T-shirt to welcome you to the EFF boot camp family.

Register your place in the challenge now by paying your fee of R399.
Pay using our trusted payment partner PayFast

® Copyright 2016